Free games > Strategy games > Survival of The Fittest

Survival of The Fittest - strategy game

Survival of The Fittest, free strategy game in flash on

Survival of The Fittest is a free online flash game of the category strategy games.

A tower defense game against zombies. Ten different Maps, various action weapons. There are 30 waves in each MAP. Your task is to defend zombies to save innocent people towards who zombies are moving Click and place weapon they will fire enemy in their range, enemy life will decrease and if it is zero enemy will die.

1. Click and place weapon to defend zombies 2. Click next wave to start next round 3. Upgrade weapon by clicking upgrade button 4. Sell weapon by clicking sell button. 5 Game can be paused and resumed by clicking control buttons on bottom right of game panel. 6. Press Esc key to cancel any buy

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Survival of The Fittest is a free game playable in a web browser on a computer. The games available are the exclusive property of their authors, but you can play online for free.