Presidents is a card game that is very similar to Uno. The idea is that a person starts off a round by laying down a certain number of cards with the same rank. Once he has done that, the rest of the players need to lay down the same number of cards with a rank that is equal to or greater than what he has laid down. For example: If a player lays down 2 5's, the other players must lay down 2 5's, 6's, 7's, and so on. There are other rules to the game as well.
- For the first round, the first person to play is the one with the three of clubs, and he lays down that card to begin the game. The next player plays on top of that.
- 2's are a special exception to the game. They automatically clear a field, and the player to lay one down starts a new round.
- If you lay a card of the same rank as what the previous player played, it skips the next player. If you lay down the third card of the same rank in a row, two players are skipped. If you lay down the fourth and final one in a row, all players are skipped, and you start a new round.
- If you play the same rank on doubles, it is your turn again, and you start a new round.
- If you play the same rank and are out of cards, all skips are void, the field is cleared, and the next player starts a new round.
- Once no one can play any cards, the last player to play any cards starts a new round.
- Players receive ranks in the order of President, Vice President, High Scum, and Low Scum as they run out of cards.
- At the beginning of a new round, the President gives the low scum it's two worst cards, and the low scum gives the President it's two best cards. The Vice President and High Scum follow suit with one card. Once all cards are exchanged, the President starts the round.
- If you are starting a new round, select the cards you want to use by clicking on them, and hitting the select cards button.
- If you are playing on a current round, click on the rank you would like to play. If you have enough cards, the program will automatically send the required number to the field. Suit does not matter in this game.
- If you would like to skip your turn, press the skip button. It may be best to hold your best cards till near the end in some cases.
- Once a round is over, the swapping begins. If you are President or Vice President, you choose the cards you would like to give the corresponding opponent. If you are High or Low Scum, these program chooses your cards for you.
Other instructions.
- To finish a round with multiple 2's, play the first one by clicking on a two, and then select the twos you would like to use, and hit select.
- The time between moves can be adjusted in the top corner. Increase makes it slower, and decrease makes it faster.
- For every card you lay down, you receive 5 points. The score is doubled for each consecutive card laid down. If you lay down 2's, you receive 10 points, and also any points obtained for consecutive clears on the field.
- Any skips will be used as 2X multipliers for the current score obtained from the cards you laid down.
- If you clear the field, you receive 40 points. Each consecutive clear puts a 2X multiplier on the clear score.
- If you finish with president, you receive 500 points. Each consecutive victory as President places a 2X multiplier on the points earned from obtaining the rank of President.
- If you finish with vice-president, you receive 100 points and no streak bonuses. If you finish with High Scum, you lose 100, and if you finish with low scum, you lose 500 points.
A context menu should be shown when right-clicking or, on touch devices, long-pressing in the game. This menu especially allows to play in full screen and control the volume.