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Our Soldiers - action game

Our Soldiers, free action game in flash on

Our Soldiers is a free online flash game of the category action games.

Our Soldiers is a video game based on the «Scorched Earth» game and other similar games within the genre, where the aim is to eliminate the opposing team, destroying their soldiers with different weapons.
The team who has at least one soldier alive after a series of turns is the winner.

Soldiers can move around the field. Use the left and right arrows to move and the up arrow to jump.
Changing weapons
There are a total of 10 weapons and tools and the option of skipping a turn. The Select weapon options will only appear when it is your turn. Click on the weapon you want to select.
Each player must adjust the angle and force of their soldier"s fire. This is done every turn.
The battle field is larger than the viewing area. For this reason there is a zoom to enlarge or reduce the viewing area.
The «scroll» will give us free movement over the whole battle field. It works by simply moving your mouse over the screen while holding down the "SPACE BAR" key.
There are mines all over the field which are activated if a soldier gets close and touches them. From that moment, you have 5 seconds to get away from the explosion.
Starting the game
The number of soldiers will depend on the number of players in the game. In 2 player games each player will have 4 soldiers, in 3 player games, each player will have 3 soldiers, and in 4 player games, each player will have 2 soldiers.
The first thing you must do is select your army from those available in the game. New armies will be added in the future.
Playing the game
Each player controls a team of soldiers. Throughout the game, players take turns with one of their soldiers. Soldiers can move over the field in different ways, normally by walking and jumping, and there are tools to make this easier. Each turn has a time limit to ensure that players don't slow the game down by thinking or moving about too much. Players can use any weapon or tool available to them to attack and kill enemy soldiers and win the game.
Each player must adjust the angle and force of their soldier's fire. This happens every turn and should take into account variable factors such as wind and gravity. At the beginning of each phase the user will also have a series of weapons available, in some cases with only limited ammunition, although this can be recovered or more ammunition can be obtained from different items.
The items fall randomly in different player's turns. They may be ammunition, a surprise box (ammunition, lives or bombs) or lives (+25,+50,+75). The randomness and the items available depend on the level being played.
Weapons and tools
There are a total of 10 weapons and tools, as well as the option to skip your turn, in case you don't want to do anything in a particular turn. This arsenal will be extended in future updates.
The damage caused by each explosion (of the weapons you have) depends on the value of the weapon, but there is also a shock wave, which means that that further away from the centre, damage is lessened.
Select weapons will only appear to each player when it is their turn. Players will also have a menu and help to explain what each weapon is.
A series of mines is distributed over the field. These are activated when a soldier gets close and touches them. From that moment, you have 5 seconds to get away from the explosion. These mines also react to other explosions by moving and bouncing against the field. They are also affected by the wind.
Information about the interface
Moving each of the soldiers is done by using arrows. Use the right and left arrows to move and the up arrow to jump. The mouse fires the weapon, using the cursor to select the correct position and angle, and holding the left button down for force.
The wind varies from turn to turn and modifies the parameters for firing weapons which are affected by the wind.
In multi-player games, each player will have a different colour which will define the colour of their soldiers" lives so that at a glance you will know who each soldier belongs to.
As well as colour coding, in the games own interface we will add the users name, avatar image and an energy bar which will show the percentage of the total energy of all their soldiers.
The battle field is larger than the viewing area. There are a number of tools to be able to see the whole field or move the view around to a selected point. These tools are the zoom, two buttons that you will see to the right of the screen.
And the other tool is the scroll which works by moving your mouse over the screen while holding down the SPACE BAR key. These two tools allow for complete freedom of movement over the battle field.
Training mode
There is a training mode where just one army fights to defeat a series of targets distributed over the battle field, all with the same rules and functions as the multi-player mode. In other words, the targets have life points, they explode once their lives have been used up and they are affected by gravity and shock waves.
Ending the game
The winner is the team which still has at least one soldier on the field after a series of turns.
To avoid endless games, SUDDEN DEATH will begin after a certain number of rounds. At this point, all soldiers will have just one life point. Also, the level of water will begin to rise, drowning any soldiers that it covers.
When one round finishes and an army is proclaimed victorious, or there is a draw, a summary panel will appear with the statistics of that round, showing information about who is currently in the lead, the number of turns that each player has withstood, their name, avatar, etc. At the end of the game, another more complete panel will appear with the results of each round.

*** This game is deactivated for the moment because it can't be emulated by Ruffle. ***

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Our Soldiers is a free game playable in a web browser on a computer. The games available are the exclusive property of their authors, but you can play online for free.