Following their monumental escape from the monster blackhole, The Life Arkeans travelled through non-space to enter an entirely new universe. After eons of travel they come across a suitable solar system of planets, with one inhabited world... the Earth! In their giant space craft, the Life Ark refugees land on what is known by the locals as North America, accidentally squashing several states in the process! Your task is to set things right with the humans and undo the damage done to the planetary surface. You must also placate the humans by fixing their atmosphere! If you succeed in this task, your next objective is to establish a colony on the moon. Once the moon has been prepared, then you can finally make a new home for your species... and hopefully not destroy anything else in the process! You must use resources available in the solar system to achieve your goals and try not to hurt the humans in the process. Good luck!
You don't need Adobe Flash player which must be desinstalled of your computer because the support of Adobe has stopped on December 31, 2020. For more information, you can read the page on the end of Flash and the start of Ruffle the Flash emulator in Javascript for modern updated navigators.
Many games are not playable with Ruffle and generate a warning message:
"This content is not yet supported by the Ruffle emulator and will likely not run as intended."
Useless to clic on the "Run anyway" button, the game will be not functional. These games will be progressively deactivate awaiting a future evolution of emulator.
Other games start but don't work well. But fortunately, it remains games correctly playables for our great pleasure!