Free games > Skill games > Gravqx

Gravqx - skill game

Gravqx, free skill game in flash on

Gravqx is a free online flash game of the category skill games.

Gravqx is a challenging skill game where players have to guide a ship around a set of tunnels with the mouse in as fast a time as possible, while working with and against the forces of gravity.

Click and hold anywhere on the screen to thrust in the direction of the cursor - the effect depends on the distance between the cursor and the ship as well as the angle between them. Don't go overboard - let momentum take you where you want to go, and get used to slowing yourself down by thrusting in the opposite direction.

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Gravqx is a free game playable in a web browser on a computer. The games available are the exclusive property of their authors, but you can play online for free.