Achtung, die Kurve! bears some resemblance to the games Snake and Tron, though in Achtung, die Kurve! Flash Remake, the main goal is to play against your friends and make your opponent hit the wall, his curve or your curve. You control the curve by only two buttons: one makes the snake turn left; the other, right. Although the game has primitive graphics, the gameplay is considered very good and the game is loved by many fans worldwide. It takes a minute to learn and a lifetime to master! Be warned though - it's addicting!
The main goal is to make your opponent hit the wall, his curve or your curve. You control the curve by only two buttons: one makes the snake turn left; the other, right.
A context menu should be shown when right-clicking or, on touch devices, long-pressing in the game. This menu especially allows to play in full screen and control the volume.