You know the saying: "Fair and softy goes far in a day!". Well in this game, it applies to the letter, because to win this horse race, you must manage the energy of your horse throughout the course so that it retains for the ending. Being a good jockey is not that easy, see for yourself!
Choose your mount from the 6 proposed by its odds, its characteristics and its current form. The larger the rating, the lower your chance of winning but you will get a better score. The directional keys allow you to direct your horse, up arrow key will increase the pace, down arrow key to decrease it. The Space bar lets jump obstacles (note the timing of the jump). You can give 3 whips during all the race, by the CTRL key. To mute the music, click on its icon in the upper left.
In the top right are symbolized the distance, the horse power and number of remaining whips.