Free games > Action games > Plazma Burst, Forward To The Past

Plazma Burst, Forward To The Past - action game

Plazma Burst, Forward To The Past, free action game in flash on

Plazma Burst, Forward To The Past is a free online flash game of the category action games.

In this pure action game, fight ennemy warriors to survive in a hostile world.
On your planet impending. Scientists invented the time machine, which should send two volunteers with equipment in the past to change the course of events. One of these volunteers and you have become. However, since teleportation you understand that this is not the place where you should send... And may be it is not the correct time...
Warning: this game contains scenes of violence. You can turn off blood and dismemberment in the game options.

Arrow keys to walk left and right, jump and crouch or A, D, W, S.
Left button mouse to fire.
Enter, G, Ins to throw grenade.
E to use objects.
1 to 9 keys to choose weapon.
P for Pause.

A context menu should be shown when right-clicking or, on touch devices, long-pressing in the game. This menu especially allows to play in full screen and control the volume.

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Plazma Burst, Forward To The Past is a free game playable in a web browser on a computer. The games available are the exclusive property of their authors, but you can play online for free.