Free games > Mahjong games > J'aime Mahjong II

J'aime Mahjong II - mahjong game

J'aime Mahjong II, free mahjong game in flash on

J'aime Mahjong II is a free online flash game of the category mahjong games.

The successor to J'aime Mahjong. 80 new solvable levels of Mahjong puzzle fun. Now also choose your own tileset.

Click on 2 of the same free stones to remove them from the game. A stone is free if there are no stones on top of it and if it has at least 1 free side (left or right).

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J'aime Mahjong II is a free game playable in a web browser on a computer. The games available are the exclusive property of their authors, but you can play online for free.