BUGWAVE is a sophisticated tower defense game located in a neat environment with forces of nature in your hands.
Control the bugs!
Use the building modules of the flower. Place these elemental towers on the ground to prevent the bugs from reaching the right and bottom side of the arena.
When you press "Start" (n) you will see a "wave" of
insects entering the arena and moving from top to
bottom and from left to right towards the "exits" of the
arena. Each time a bug reaches the opposite side of
the arena, you will loose one "life point". The amount
of life points is shown in the center of the menu-flower.
Construct barriers to prevent the bugs from finding the
exit. Place the forces of nature (synonym: building
blocks or towers) from the menu-flower where ever you
want inside of the arena. Depending on your wealth
(coins) you have to choose which "elemental" tower fits
best according to the "elemental" bugs. Towers can be
upgraded! It's often better to upgrade towers than to
buy new ones. Every elemental force has its own
damage value and range. By clicking on these you can
display their detailed information.
* Forces can be upgraded! It's often better
to upgrade forces than to buy new ones.
* Force the bugs to walk the longest possible
* Try to "juggle" with the bugs: close and open
your labyrinth at specific spots to keep the
insects trapped in your construction. You are
allowed to switch openings in your construction by
removing or adding towers and redirect the bugs
on their way towards the exit. Remember that you
cannot fully close the exits!
A context menu should be shown when right-clicking or, on touch devices, long-pressing in the game. This menu especially allows to play in full screen and control the volume.