Free games > Arcade games > Breakout - Voyager

Breakout - Voyager - arcade game

Breakout - Voyager, free arcade game in flash on

Breakout - Voyager is a free online flash game of the category arcade games.

A tribute to Star trek computer design. Simple and beautiful. Everything made by me. The original version of Breakout for Atari in 1976 was developed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, before they founded Apple Computer. Wozniak's chip compact design for the game didn't work with Atari's manufacturing process, and so it was scrapped. Versions of Breakout appeared as hidden Easter eggs in many versions of the Mac OS. Even today, it is included on most iPods.

Your mouse will do it all!

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Breakout - Voyager is a free game playable in a web browser on a computer. The games available are the exclusive property of their authors, but you can play online for free.