Catch the blood and guts dropping from the bloody blade, but avoid the bones! "Looks like a worker got caught in this machine again. Better wipe up the mess before the cleaning lady finds out. And mind your fingers..." Use the squeegee to scrape the blood off the machine in this ghoulish game of skill and dexterity. Featuring : - Three difficulty levels - In-game tutorial: New elements are introduced during the first ten levels - 8 squeegee sizes, 4 bonuses and 4 penalties randomly spice up the game - Super-bonus Waterbomb for emergencies at higher levels - Random fast blood drips - Online scores - Achievements - Creepy sound effects, and lots of blood!
Click and scrape up to wipe off. Get the drops from underneath (otherwise it doesn't clean ; ask your girlfriend.) Read safety notice first. Keep first aid kit at hand. Wear gloves.
A context menu should be shown when right-clicking or, on touch devices, long-pressing in the game. This menu especially allows to play in full screen and control the volume.